Expatria Online Advanced Features

Cover Image for Expatria Online Advanced Features
Michael 'Misha'
Michael 'Misha'

In our previous post, we shared information on the core-features of the Expatria platform; here we will focus on the tips and tricks that power users can enjoy to help them maximize their experience with Expatria.

The first thing that comes to mind is the Command Palette, accessed with CMD K or Control K, which allows you to instantly search through our database of countries and cities to hop to the page of the location you are looking for. For example, if you just think to yourself 'I wonder what Vienna, Austria is like' you can simply search for Vienna, press Enter, and you will have it in front of your eyes immediately.

Command Palette

For those looking to retire, and retire early, we have included a FIRE calculator for you to understand how quickly you can retire based on our savings, continued investments and their projected growth rates. Over time, we will add more advanced functionality such as mortgage calculators, AirBnb rental projections, healthcare expenditure models & other financial tools to help you think through your cashflow projections in retirement.

FIRE Calculator

While the Atlas is a fun way to get started, perhaps you might want to dig into your search and narrow down your results based on affordability, humidity, average wifi speed or English level. Our 'Search by City' tab let's you organize your filters based on your preference, and add cities to your favorites for review.

Search by City

While the full-screen 'Discovery' mode allows you to review countries one by one, organized by immigration program preference, that page also let's you see a list of options to choose from. This way, if you wanted to zoom out a little bit more, you could scroll through your options instead.

Discovery List Advanced

The 'Buy a Passport' page has similar functionality that allows you to view a world Atlas and visually explore immigration options on the map, based on the filter preferences you set below. When clicking on a particular country or immigration program, you can then see the visa-free and otherwise travel options that having such a passport would entail. Interested in Saint Kitts and the Nevis as your second passport? Enjoy visa-free travel to 110 different countries.

Buy a Second Passport

And last but not least, Dark Mode, on the side-navigation bar.

Dark Mode

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