About the State
The Network State of Expatria is an abstraction on top of the nation-state, providing services and resources to its citizens that traditional governments cannot, or choose not to.
We operate as a Delaware C Corporation, providing products and services that help our citizens thrive in the age we live in. Our Department of State, known as Expatria Online, offers a research portal to help those who wish to move abroad, gain a second passport, retire early or otherwise learn more about the world. For those who wish to move abroad, we offer information about 60 different qualifying investment or real-estate naturalization programs offered around the world - additionally, we offer tools such as cost-of-living calculators for over a thousand cities around the world, aggregated information about international real-estate portals, and other tools such as a Chrome Extension called Riverlake to help you save listings to your profile on Expatria for later review and comparison with other real-estate investment opportunities.
Outside of offering products and services, we are pioneering a new model of corporate citizenship where citizens will have the ability to participate in the democratic governance of certain aspects of the corporation. Taking inspiration from corporations like Mondragon in Spain, a corporate federation, we are working to create a new model of corporate governance that is more democratic and participatory than the traditional corporation. We encourage the creative and ambitious among you to work together with us to developer innovative products in entertainment, finance, education and other industries; we do this through participation in the Expatrian Civil Service, through the direct democratic plebsicites and the representative legislative body currently called the Senate.
While much of our corporate-democratic infrastructure is being developed, our Department of State is available on to help you move abroad, retire early and begin to live your best life.